Flore Church Of England Primary School


 At Flore Church of England Primary School, we believe all pupils should have access to a broad, balanced, rich and deep curriculum, with enhanced experiences and equal opportunities. Our Christian values and ethos are threaded through our whole curriculum.

As a school we firmly believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant to our pupils, our community and our setting.  It should meet the needs of all children whatever their ability.

We have been working hard to ensure our Curriculum fully meets the National Curriculum as well as inspiring our children to learn.  This has enabled us to identify four key principles that drive our curriculum (curriculum drivers).

The curriculum at Flore Church of England Primary School is designed to:

  • Place Christian values at the heart of everything we do
  • Equip all children with positive attitudes, skills and knowledge to enable them to enjoy their childhood and serve as a foundation for further development
  • Provide a happy environment that is caring, nurturing and supportive for everyone involved in our school
  • Treat the children as individuals and encourage them to reach their potential
  • Maintain and strengthen our links with the wider community.

We have designed our curriculum to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop these principles, to enable them to take their place in society. Our curriculum is planned, and designed, to meet the needs of all our pupils, who come from a range of backgrounds, and bring with them a wealth of different experiences. 

Our curriculum is planned, and designed, to incorporate the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum for our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pupils and the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for our Reception children. It is enhanced by different opportunities and experiences, bespoke to our pupils' needs and their identified barriers to learning.  Our four key drivers thread throughout the curriculum, ensuring our values are embedded.

Key knowledge and skills are built upon year on year. Each year groups' allocated skills can be found in our progression in skills documentation. We want our pupils to make meaningful links within their learning. This key knowledge, and these skills, are delivered through a carefully planned sequence of lessons, building on prior knowledge and having a good understanding of what we want pupils to know at the end of the teaching sequence.  

Curriculum Drivers

We believe that Oracy skills are central to effective learning for all of our pupils; supporting them with their wellbeing, helping them to communicate effectively, developing their debating and thinking skills, and facilitating greater social mobility and improved life chances.

 It is our aim, that pupils develop the necessary skills to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings successfully, in a wide range of situations. Pupils need to know how to speak and listen with confidence and respect in a variety of different situations.

We plan opportunities for pupils to develop their speaking and listening skills in all age phases and across the whole curriculum.

Our pupils will develop the emotional and physical security to become resilient individuals, who are able to take risks and deal with different challenges across the curriculum nd the wider world. They will be able to think positively and have the confidence to 'have a go'. They will develop the life skills necessary to work with growing independence and perseverance to become resourceful problem solvers able to nurture aspirations for the future.
By developing pupils' curiosity, we aim to foster inquisitive thinking through allowing pupils to explore and investigate through all areas of their learning journey. Nurturing their curiosity allows them to strive to become independent learners. At Flore Church of England Primary School we aim to develop this inquisitiveness from the 'awe and winder' in the early years to the 'thinkers and doers' of the future. Quality questioning will give our children the tools they need to begin to speculate and consider what they already know and their future learning. 

Flore pupils are encouraged to be the best they can be by aiming high and having aspirational goals. Establishing positive role models across the school is important to us and enables us to broaden children's experiences. We strive for our children to understand that attitude, self belief, continuous improvement and effort are all part of their learning journey and route to success. 

The Avenue, Flore, Northamptonshire, NN7 4LZ

01327 340415
